Event Date
Update 10/18/22: Event is sold out.
Wine treatments are commonly used to enhance the taste, mouth feel, or aroma of the wines we drink. Learn how to discern the impact with a side-by-side tasting of treated and untreated wines with additions that are commonly used in making wine. Dr. James Campbell and Dr. Andrew Waterhouse will discuss different treatments and their effect on wine through a guided tasting. You can be a novice enologist, a rare opportunity, and seats are limited!
The event will be hosted at the Sensory Theater at the Robert Mondavi Institute on the UC Davis Campus.
Limited seating; 50 seats only. $15, general admission.

Dr. James Campbell was accepted into the Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry program at University of California, Davis to pursue a Ph.D. in 2016, which he recently completed. The focus of his studies under Dr. Andrew Waterhouse were on changes in tannin over the course of grape ripening and how the changes were impacted by the production and interactions with anthocyanins. Currently, he is continuing to work on the kinetics of pigmented tannin formation as well as a reevaluation of the Winkler Index in the context of climate change with Dr. Elisabeth Forrestel.

Moderator Andrew Waterhouse is a professor emeritus in the UC Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology and has previously held the John E. Kinsella Chair in Food, Nutrition, and Health, and the Marvin Sands Endowed Chair in Viticulture and Enology. He has won a UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow award, holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Bordeaux, and has been named one of the most highly cited researchers in agriculture by ISI. In 2018, he was named the director of the Robert Mondavi Institute.
This event is part of the Sips and Bites series, which explores the stories behind foods and drinks with winemakers, brewers, and culinary innovators with tastings and conversations about what inspires them to make their wines, beers, and foods.
Venue & Parking:
This event will be in-person in the Silverado Vineyards Sensory Theater at the Robert Mondavi Institute, Sensory Building. Parking is available at the Gateway Parking Structure. Parking payment is enforced on weekdays. There are three options for parking payment:
UC Davis uses ParkMobile – please be sure to download the app ahead of time. When you park, you will enter the Zone number (listed on the nearby sign) into the app and follow the instructions to pay for parking. This is the preferred and easiest method.
If you do not have a smartphone to download the app, you can also sign up for an account online and follow the steps on the website: https://parkmobile.io
Alternatively, there are permit machines in the Gateway Parking Structure that accept credit cards. You will need to enter your license plate number into the machine to purchase a permit. We recommend this option as a last choice.
If you have questions about this event, please email: rmievents@ucdavis.edu.